Branding for a sports drink: Yogiup

Student Project

Design Brief

  • What is it?

    This student project is to create a logo concept, brand identity and marketing strategy for a new sports drink.

  • Brand mission

    To build a new brand in the field of sports drink, via meeting the hydration needs of yogi in a healthy way, and reliefing the stressfull people through hydration and meditation moments.

  • Brand vision

    To encourage people to achieve a healthier and happier life.

  • Brand Values

    — Care for your body, as well as your spiritual health.

    — Love human and nature.

    — Achieve these ethically.


Target audience:

  • Male accounts for 28% and female represents 72%.

  • In just 4 years, the number of men practicing yoga increased by 150%.

  • About 14 million people over the age of 50 practice yoga.


Stationary mockup. (Mockup from Freepik)


Sports drink poster design. (mockup from Freepik)

Hash tag campaign example 1: #anyoneanytime

Web advertisement mockup. (image from Pexels | mockup from Freepik)

Instagram advertisement. (Image from Pexels | mockup from Freepik)


Billboard advertisement. (Image from Shutterstock | mockup from Freepik)

Magazine advertisement. (Image from Shutterstock | mockup from Freepik)

Hash tag campaign example 2: #lessplastic

Billboard advertisement mockup. (mockup from Freepik)


Instagram advertisement. (Image from Pexels | mockup from Freepik)

Packaging mockups

Original concepts and rationale


The proposed brand identity for the new sports drink “Yogiup” is inspired by the lifestyle and spiritual energy that Yoga can bring.

The logo for “Yogiup” was designed using yoga postures and symbols. Among the four, the last one was chosen to represent a stretch of body, spirit, and capacity.

Advertisement example