Illustration: Playing card design

Student Project

About the project

  • Brief

    Design a set of playing cards inspired by Japanese culture and history.

  • Concept

    • The picture card, number card and card back are designed using a range of symbolic Japanese elements, including the red sun symbol, traditional female hair-style, oiled paper umbrella, the goldfish, red-crowned crane, bamboo leaf, lotus leaf, ginkgo leaf, etc.

    • Two traditional colours are chosen: indigo, as a background, delivers a sense of calm and respect, while crimson is repeatedly used to build a contrast and highlight the important


  • Process

    • Adobe Illustrator: to trace, draw and colour the features.

    • Adobe Photoshop: to add a subtle texture by desaturating the background.

Illustration of picture card

This picture card is inspired by a piece of beautiful artwork created by the Mongolian painter, Zayasaikhan Sambuu (Zaya).

Please check this link to appreciate more of Zaya’s great works.

Mockup from Freepik.