Branding for a TV Channel: Journale

Student Project

Design Brief

  • What is it?

    This student project is to create an identity and branding for a new channel, Journale, which encourages creativity through interesting, biographical and documentary programs.

  • Brand mission

    — To encourage and challenge curiosity, creativity, and intelligence of our viewers, via authentic, reliable and innovative content.

    — To appeal to diverse audiences.

  • Brand vision

    — To promote the pursuit of truth, the spirit of exploring, and the courage towards the unknown.

    — To know both the past and the future.

  • Brand Values

    Adventure, creativity, curiosity, experience and exploration.


Target audience:

including both genders in the 16-40 year old age group


Mockup of brand identity. (Image from Pexels | Mockup from Freepik)

Style guide for Journale. (Mockup from Freepik)


Outdoor billboard. (Image from Unsplash | mockup from Freepik)


Magazine (light content). (Images from Pexels | Mockup from Freepik)


Magazine (dark content). (Images from Pexels | Mockup from Freepik)


  • Logo

    It uses the combination of question mark and bulb as well as the human face to portray the essence of curiosity and exploration

  • Colour Scheme

    — use dark blue to represent nature, freedom and intelligence

    — use yellow to represent hope, positivity and energy

    — a combination of this two symbolise the connection between nature and human

  • How is it different?

    It’s unique and identifiable, as it is built on a concrete silhouette yet in a clean, modern and sleek style

Original concepts: